Following Jesus is not about trying to behave in a certain way. Modifying our behavior on the outside when we still harbor anger, resentment, negativity (fill in the blank here) on the inside does nothing for us and leaves us empty, robbed of joy. In order for there to be real change towards the joy God wants us to experience, we must let go of the death grip we have on the dark corners of our hearts. Those thoughts and feelings we try to hide away so that no one can see what's slowly destroying us from the inside. Following Jesus means we, in humility, let Him guide us, showing us what real issues in our heart need a run through the wash.
And it seems to me that my heart is a garment that needs to be put through the wash cycle frequently. Sometimes several times a day. I come out clean and stain free every time. God doesn't need Pinterest to figure out how to remove my stains. When I come to Him sincerely wanting to seek Him and the grace He so wants to extend, then I am washed clean.
"Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of Faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water" Hebrews 10:22
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