In 2 Corinthians 5:17 it says that if we are in Christ, we are a new creation. Well isn't that just peachy! I have to tell you, sometimes I get really frustrated when people talk about this verse. Come on, if you have been following God for any length of time, you already know that there is no magic wand that changes all the things we don't like about ourselves. Now before you think I am trying to disagree with a bible verse let me explain. We are a new creation, yes! This is how I think it looks. We give our lives to Jesus and here we are with all the same messed up crap in our lives, then there is Jesus covering our sin. God looks at us and we are filtered by Jesus....God sees Jesus not our sin. Isn't that the reason Jesus died on the cross? Now this doesn't mean that we should go on with our bad selves and not have a plan to address the sin in our lives. But come to God because you actually want to be like Jesus. You should come to God because you want HIM, and you actually want your identity to be in Jesus Christ by having a relationship with him...not just because you want Him to change a behavior in you or a "get out of hell free" card. And like I said, just because you come to God, that doesn't mean that everything that you don't like about yourself changes with a snap. It is a process that God reveals over time. And sometimes it is painful and hard. At least that is how I have experienced it. This is so important to grasp because I think so many people live not fully experiencing all that God wants for them because they feel such guilt in their life over sins that they have not overcome. Sometimes we just pretend we have it all together. After all we can fool most people, but reality is, noone can fool an all-knowing God. Come to God just as you are, and stop trying to figure out whether something is right or wrong and just start seeking God on a daily basis. Be honest with God, he knows you already. Nothing you do or have done surprises him. It's not like God is at the water cooler of heaven saying to Saint Peter...."Can you believe what she did, I didn't expect that." Not at all! He knows you, he understands you better than anyone! HE made you. You do not need to change or "clean up your act" before you come to Jesus. If you are truely seeking God, He will lead you in his time to what is right. The question you need to ask yourself is this:
If being/doing _____(fill in the blank)_______ is wrong, do I still want to follow God, and will I let him take me through the process of change?As we draw near to a Holy God we will begin to understand through His word and the leading of His Spirit the things that He does not desire. Our heart and our feelings will begin to change. We have to decide if that is truely what we want. What is the point of seeking God if you never really plan on allowing Him to change things in your life. He only desires what is best for you. It is sad to think that so many are missing out on all the great things God wants to give to us simply because we won't yield and give up what we think is best for us. It is always our choice. But it takes everything, no holding back. Surrendering all of ourselves wholeheartedly to Him. Seeking him in prayer and reading His word. He never begs us to give him anything, but to fully experience all of Him, we must give Him all of us. As God reveals things to us that He wants us to change, then it is up to us to take steps to try and make that change. It may be small steps at first, but every step towards Him is always right. How do you know that something is a God desired change? You will know that you know that you know that you know! That may seem like a vague answer but it is the truth. When you are convicted about something from God, you will know! Don't let Satan try to talk you out of it. But seriously, I challenge anyone to ask the question above of themselves. If your answer is yes, then surround yourself with wise people who love you and dilligently seek God through His word, praying and just listening to Him. He never returns our efforts in seeking Him void. I just read on another blog reciently, "God watches over His word to perform it. He responds to His word. When we begin sowing His word into every facet of our life and we begin to remind God of His word in those areas, He responds!" (Guaranteed Results by Melissa Leslie) Wow, I love that! The idea of God watching over his word to perform it. That's awesome. He will perform it in your life if you let Him. Decide to let Jesus be your identity.