Small things control larger things. Many examples are shown in James like the horse being led by the bit, the ship led by the rudder, and the flame from a spark. What is interesting to me is this passage about the tounge starts out by talking about being a teacher. That by being a teacher we are judged more strictly. This hit home to me because as a member of the Worship Team at my church, I am a teacher by my example and my words. Just think of the things that you are a leader of. Everyone is a leader of something. My life, choices, and words affect others and can affect them spiritually. While I am not responsible for their individual spiritual decisions, my words and actions can be encouraging or damaging. I tell my kids all the time to make the wise choice in all kinds of situations. It is up to us to make the wise choice to affect good by what we say and do. Hebrews 10:24-25 says:
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
What a great responsibility to spur each other to love and acomplish awesome works for God. Let's encourage one another! Let's actually tell each other how awesome they are doing in their efforts to serve God. We all have a part to play in the body of Christ and sometimes we can become discouraged and tired of doing what God has called us to do, especially if we don't hear encouragement from others. A thank you or a praise from our friends can be just the encouragement that helps us recharge and continue on in our commitment.
As for me and my tounge...I've got some splainin to do! lol There is no doubt that my tounge is "a world of evil amoung the parts of the body" (James 3:6) Being aware is half the battle. Let's work on encouraging one another!